How to Water Seeds and Seedlings Wisely

Spring fever stirs the gardening soul, often before you can actually get outside. Why not start seeds early indoors this spring? Growing plants from seed to maturity is one of gardening’s most rewarding experiences. Water is one of the vital elements when starting plants from seed. Too much water and your seeds will drown or rot. Too little and they will either fail to germinate or die once they do. Not every plant has the same needs when it comes to watering, but there are some basic rules you should follow.  Wet the soil thoroughly, and the water should be able to drain out of the bottom of the pot.  Seedlings need water when the surface of the soil begins to become dry, but the soil should never be allowed to dry out completely. Check the moisture level by touching it with your finger at least twice per day, and you’ll probably need to water at least daily.  Don’t over water, that’s probably what kills most plants. If you have too wet of a soil constantly it will lead to problems with the roots. You’ll notice that the leaves will become yellow, that’s because there is not enough oxygen in the soil because it is too wet.  When watering the seedlings, try to use water that is the same temperature as the room. This will insure that the seedlings don’t have any shock from too cold or hot water.  When the day comes that you are ready to plant your seedlings into the garden, water them well before the transplant. Once they are in the garden, water them again very well. You can make all these things easier and water wisely by using an electric spray bottle which can create very fine mist. It can not only keep the soil moist but also prevent getting the soil overly wet. Game changer for watering!


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